Brunel Academies Trust

Literacy Zone

Parent's Curriculum Information Evening 

Essential Letters & Sounds

Welcome to the handwriting and spelling workshop

Look Say Cover Write Check Sheet

Ideas to help learn spellings

  • Look , Say , Cover , Write , Check – look at the word to learn in the left hand column, say the letters out loud a few times, cover up the word and have a go at writing it yourself, check it and give yourself a tick or a smiley face if it is spelt correctly or have another go at writing it.
  • Rainbow writing – using different coloured pencils
  • Make up a mnenomic for a word – Big elephants can always understand small elephants – because / sally anne is dancing – said / oh u lucky duck – should, would, could
  • Spell out loud , walk as you say the letters , tap out the letters
  • Clap out the syllables
  • Cut up the words – mix up and put back in the correct order
  • Play spelling games – scrabble / boggle
  • Wordsearch / crosswords
  • Take a pretend photo of the word
  • Draw around the shape of the word to emphasise the tall and short letters

How to pronounce the sounds


Oxford Owl - Helping your child at home with reading



Handwriting - home guide for parents

Handwriting - capital letters

Handwriting - horizontal joins

Useful Websites:

Oak National Academy - Literacy KS1

BBC Bitesize - Year 1 Literacy (English)

BBC Bitesize - Year 1 Literacy (English)

BBC Bitesize - Year 2 Literacy (English)
