Brunel Academies Trust

Our Governors

Our role is to provide a strategic view and ensure each academy is well run overall and for the LGC to act as a ‘critical friend’. To ensure accountability and compliance will all legal and financial requirements. To act as a corporate body, with integrity, objectivity and honesty in the best interests of the both academies individually and collectively.

Local Governing Committee Members

Name Role Date of Appointment Date of Expiry
Sian Hunt Co-Chair 
Parent Governor
17.01.2022 16.01.2026
Katharine Philbrick Co-Chair 
Parent Governor
16.05.2022  15.05.2026
Richard Gay Vice Chair
Foundation Governor
14.11.2022 13.11.2026
Tom Wilkins  Parent Governor  15.03.2021  14.03.2025
Olwen Brockway  Foundation  01.09.2021 31.08.2025
Annette Corley  Co-opted  01.09.2019 31.08.2023
Hannah Martin  LGC Primary Teaching Staff Governor  01.09.2021  31.08.2025
Helen Fielder Ex Officio
Governors who have resigned in the last 12 months:
Name Resignation Date First Appointed

Governance Information

Declaration of Interests 2023/2024

Attendance Register 2022/2023

Contact Us

The Chair(s) of Governors can be contacted via

Brunel Board - Chair of Trustees

Name Role  Appointed Date End of Term  Appointed by
William Wyldbore-Smith Chair of Trustees 27.02.2022 27.02.2026 Members

Please follow the link to view the:
Brunel Board including Trustees and Member Information

Please visit the Brunel Academies Trust website to view the following:

Key Governance Information

Financial Statements including Annual Report and Accounts

Academy Trust Handbook 2023

Governacne Documents

Governors Newsletter 2021 PRIMARY #1

Governance Handbook

