Brunel Academies Trust

School Information

Larger than an average infant school and caters for boys and girls aged four to seven

It is a three form entry school i.e. three parallel classes per year group

It has three separate year groups – Reception (YR – EYFS); Year 1 (Y1) and Year 2 (Y2)

School has a capacity of 290 on roll

There are nine mainstream and two resource base classrooms with access to extensive grounds and our own forest school area.

Community school - part of a multi-academy trust (Brunel Academies Trust)

Provides full wraparound care – a breakfast club (0800) and after school club (until 1730)

Offers sports clubs after school until 1615

Part of a Primary Learning Collaboration with St Mark's Junior School since September 2019 – one staff, one governing committee, one primary curriculum, one Head of School and one leadership team

School retains its own ethos, character and personality

Shares a campus with St Mark’s Pre-School, St Mark’s C of E Junior School and Exeter House School~98% of children transfer to St Mark's at the end of Key Stage 1 (Y2) ready for KS2 (Y3-6)

At Wyndham Park we see ourselves as a family that nurtures and includes all who come through our doors. Through strong leadership and a positive attitude to learning, the school provides a friendly, caring and fun place in which to learn where everybody matters. We recognise the importance of working with parents to support and encourage their children to become lifelong learners. By providing a loving, creative and stimulating environment we strive for all children to experience their time at Wyndham Park in full colour.

As a large infant school, our intake of pupils is from a large number of pre-schools in Salisbury including over half of our children coming from St Mark’s Pre-School, who are based on the same site as our school. We pride ourselves in our transition as children enter the school and also as they move through the year groups and onto St. Mark’s C of E Junior School, where almost all of our children move on to. As a result of this, children settle well at our school and are happy and confident learners. We believe that children need to be happy and feel safe in order for them to learn. Ensuring that all children make progress and are included in life at Wyndham Park is an extremely high priority for us. We have a dedicated Inclusion provision, led by our Inclusion Manager that offer interventions to support children as well as monitoring progress.

All key stakeholders worked together to create our school vision and this is at the heart of all that we do as a school. Our vision is to develop deep learning through everyone’s unique talents; giving each child a rainbow of learning experiences to take them through life. Teaching and learning at Wyndham Park focuses on the utilising the individual strengths, skills and interests of our children and providing a range of learning opportunities to allow children to deepen their knowledge and understanding through a variety of real life contexts. We aim to inspire and motivate children through engaging and creative teaching and want children to remember their time at Wyndham Park positively and feel that the school gave them the best possible foundations in their education and life.

Don’t just take our word for it. In February 2019 the school was quality assured by a team of professionals. Highlights include:

  • EYFS setting is well organised and provision is strong. It has a good range of interesting activities linked to the topic children are working on so that each task has a clear purpose. The ‘rainbow’ challenge encourages children to learn in a wide range of areas. The area’s calm atmosphere and adults’ effective planning ensure children settle into school routines quickly
  • Teaching is lively and enthusiastic, which engages pupils well.
  • Teachers have established warm relationships with pupils
  • Pupils are responsive and feel valued.
  • Teachers have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and the quality and productivity of their work.
  • Pupils work hard, persevere and enjoy learning. They take pride in the presentation and organisation of their written work.
  • Teaching staff are well-trained and benefit from working with local schools for moderation purposes and to share expertise.

