Brunel Academies Trust


At Wyndham Park we offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced and which also promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils. We aim to prepare the pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework (last revised Sep 2021) in Reception and the National Curriculum Programmes of Study (last update Jul 2014) in Key Stage 1. These key skills are delivered through a topic/theme based approach to planning, teaching and learning.

WP Curriculum Intent 2023-2024

WP Curriculum Implementation 2022 Updated V2

WP Curriculum Impact 2022 Updated V2

(Link to Individual subject statements of intent can be found in the menu on the right)

Themed Days/Weeks

We aim for our curriculum to be as exciting and stimulating as possible so we will often base learning around topics that the children are interested in and that they have chosen themselves. We have frequent themed days/weeks in school including Great Britain Week, Book Week, RE Days and we also link learning to key events such as the Olympics or anniversaries of authors etc. These opportunities form part of the ‘rainbow of experiences’ that we offer to children at Wyndham Park.

Wyndham Park Infants School Curriculum Overview 2023 24

Our Knowledge Organisers

Learning Opportunities

We are very fortunate with the lovely grounds and resources that we have in school. In each year group children are given the opportunity to regularly use our ICT suite which has 30 computers and also access our set of 30 iPads. Our beautiful library is home to a huge number of books and the children are able to choose their own book to bring home. This space is also used for some class music lessons. Every new topic in school begins with a ‘sparkling start’ and ends with a ‘fabulous finish’ so that children will remember these events and their learning. Much of the learning that we do is cross-curricular so the children will be practising their literacy skills at the same time as learning about a historical event, for example.

Deep Learning

A key focus for us in our teaching and learning is that children are given the opportunity to become deep learners. This means that we want children to become familiar and confident in different concepts and be able to apply the knowledge and understanding that they develop to a variety of situations and contexts. Children therefore may not move on to learning new concepts that they will cover in a later year group but instead spend more time applying what they know and solving problems. We use ‘Chilli Challenges’ within the classroom to give a range of learning activities at different levels. Children are then able to choose their own level of difficulty for a given task depending on their confidence in that area.

Growth Mindset

All children are encouraged to develop a positive attitude to their learning and the theory of a growth mindset is central to teaching and learning in our school. We teach the children that effort rather than achievement is the most important thing in learning and that mistakes are opportunities to grow and become better learners. Lots of information about the growth mindset approach can be found online.

Educational Visits and Visitors

During a child’s time at Wyndham Park they will go on regular educational visits. We often use the area around us so that coaches are not always needed and costs can be kept to a minimum. Children will usually go on one slightly bigger trip each year as well as lots of other smaller trips. As well as educational visits to other places, we often have visitors coming into school. This includes artists, librarians, vicars, fire fighters and many more!


We hold a daily assembly at 10.15 for the whole school. These are topic themed, story-telling, singing practice and an end of the week Special Award assembly. These assemblies promote the spiritual, moral and cultural development of pupils and are of a broadly Christian character (as per government guidance).

Extra-curricular Clubs

In Year 1 and Year 2 children will be able to attend some of the after school clubs that we offer. These can be sports clubs, art clubs, music clubs, gardening clubs, ICT clubs and more. Some of these clubs require parents to pay.
