Special Educational Needs
At Wyndham Park we believe that every child is extraordinary and that education has the capacity and the possibility to change lives for the better. Here teaching and learning is built upon a foundation that is inclusive, supportive, challenging and empowering. We promote high expectations, aspirations and an intense engagement in learning. This supports learners in establishing the values, attitudes, skills and knowledge through which they will be able to achieve success, gain fulfilment in the future and become life-long learners.
Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. Teachers are responsible and accountable for all the children in their classes and ensure quality first teaching, including effective differentiation, by planning lessons that ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving.
We aim to ensure that all children build learning capacity to make progress and reach their potential whatever their individual need. Therefore, we are proud to have an Inclusion Team who work to support the needs of all children in our school and in particular to support those with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND).
Our SENCo is Mrs F O'Gorman - fogorman@wyndhamstmarks.uk
SEND Policy
Please read our SEND Policy for more information about our provision and approach to supporting those with significant additional needs.